Friday, August 20, 2010

We can't slow down, We can't hold back Though you know we wish we could

Invasion of the Mind

On my humble travels I
once came across
a red brick house
red stolen from a
cock's tail feathers
lips bitten bloody and
the fire engine on 83rd
the walls were strong but I
 found a chink 
light cascaded out
peering in, though
I found
complete darkness
but for a black
iridescent shining
glinting dangerously from
the miscellany strewn 

I wanted to get in
I needed to get in
into that secret brick
house where almost decipherable 
murmurs escaped 
from the chimney 
like smoke.

I clawed at the walls
at the chink 
the bricks
the fissures around this
I kicked and bit
until my teeth 
broke up
my fingernails cracked 
and bled
until my feet 
were crippled
         still no dent upon this fortress.

And the walls
they were strong, but
they wanted me to
break in so
I went around to
the back
and tried the door
       it was unlocked. 

On my knees
I crawled through
this dungeon 
I knew that it was

I found a teddy bear
with its paws rubbed
a curled lock of
graying hair with copper strands
still glinting out faintly
I found stretched out
jumpers and worn out sun hats
a bag of dried tears I found
heart breaks
fake smiles 
angry, unheard cries
deep, stabbing
splashed red 
upon the dusty carpets
woven with unsaid 
and forgotten words.

I found I could not
rise from my knees
and so I sunk
to a prayer postion
my third eye
kissing ground.
My clothes were ripped
ragged they were
moths; ghost white
with holey lace wings
they fluttered away
I was naked and my skin
parted to allow the
ground to push up craggy furniture
and shape my inner 

I knew the outside
of this inside, but
not what lay beneath 
became massaging
soft as Rose's petals
with nails sharp as
her thorns
I was the secret
enclosed in every
flower's center;
now I was just a figment
of this mind's

Title Quote: Ain't No Rest For the Wicked, Cage the Elephant

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

After the flood all the colors came out

water pooling in my 
warm breathing 
gravel ground
smeared wet arching back
torso flopping 
fish-like beatingbeating
hands open heart open jump 
bare feet through dripping grass and
saturated smoke from a suddenly 
fire it's

Title Quote: U2, Beautiful Day