Tuesday, March 9, 2010

And be a goddess in the planet wars And save the living things.

“Who wants to see the world?” They said.
“Me." I said. "I do."
“No, not you,” they said. “You can't. You're too young.”
“But I want to,” I said. “I want to see the world, I want to save the world, I want to be the world!”
“Too bad,” they said. “Come back later, come back when you're older.”
“What if there is no later?” I said. “What if this is the only time we've got, what if I need to do this now? What if?” I said.
They did not answer, they only turned away from me and called at others to join them.
“Wait! Wait, don't you believe in me?” I said. “Don't you think I can do this, don't you think I can have dirt under my fingernails, holes in my shoes, aches in my back? Don't you think I can see the world?”
“No.” They said. “Sorry.” They said. “Go away.” They said.
They turned away and began to ask other people again:
“Who wants to see the world?”
 Well let me tell you this, let me tell you: I can and will see the world, I can and will save the world, and guess what, I can and will be the world! 
What do you have to say to that?

Title Quote: Neil Young, Sun Green


  1. beautiful little outrage lola. did you actually encounter this?

  2. no, i saw a greenpeace guy yelling "who wants to see the world?" and i imagined this whole monologue about ti. :P i should hav just gone up to him and said it.
