Monday, October 11, 2010

Paper sails in the breakers We buried treasure There was nothing to take

Nun's Voice

You say a
means everything
stepping stone opening door
to walk forwards But
I've never kissed
him, never toughed
his lips
in dimly lit rooms
in Pale Moonlight in
tarry dark where eyes
are no use.
Yet I've already walked through
his open door, I already
have thought his lemon-yellow thoughts
and I've reached inside
a roiling gut it was I
who soothed those knots.
I know him more than
girls wrapped in lace
know the tilt of their hips
yet never have our lips pressed
jet and mauve, ink and pink
like the white lining of a black habit.

Title Quote: Elysian Fields, Lady in the Lake


  1. this is stunning, and im still just sittin here in shock trying 2 mull it over. I really like the message that it presents, about how you can know something in a really strong connected way, but not through the conventional ways you would think. at least i think that's what you meant by the kiss metaphor? i loved it.

  2. hehe. . .
    nice interpretation, but I think I was really also writing about a kiss.
    not mine, lord knows, but the absence of one, especially because it is forbidden. thus the nun, which is failry metaphorical, if you ask me, but also, up to anyone's interpretation.

  3. wait but what makes you forbidden from it?
