Wednesday, May 5, 2010

You raise your head, you beat the sun

Yesterday, the sky opened up, if only just for a moment.
Yesterday, the wind blew and the grass turned greener.
Yesterday, my hair whipped up and then soaked down.
Drops fell, drops of rain
of water and tears and the sky
fell to my feet and pooled there.

So in return I opened up
and in return I blew and I grew
and my hair dripped
and my shirt darkened with water
and from every pore and orifice I felt
myself raining
myself crying out for something
anything to happen, but I wanted nothing to happen
nothing to change, but everything to move.

And I wished that even, if only for a moment
I could fly out through my chest and my fingertips
and disappear beneath our earth to where it stopped being concrete
and began to be brown earth, molten red magma
to where there were gears turning and I could take a key and wind those gears
so the earth would groan and turn a little faster
and everyone would have to
balance up on their tip toes to keep balance.
People would find that they liked it there, poised
about to fall but not quite.

I wished I could do that, I wished I could rain upon them like the sky did
pushing their shoulder bones gently down and their faces forward
and their toes moving quicker than before but then
the clouds blew on and the sky became blue
cirrus clouds wandered in, replacing cumulus
it had stopped raining, so 
so did I, and I tied up my hair and kept walking, and dried


Title Quote: Dispatch, Elias

1 comment:

  1. i can totally relate to liik the first half, and then the second half was beautiful!!!!
